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A member may donate in two ways to the NJ Podiatric Medical Society (NJPMS) and several ways to the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA).

1.  Donations to the Jonathan Robertozzi Memorial Scholarship Foundation are gladly accepted and used for yearly scholarships in the amount of $1,500.00 each to worthy individuals.  At Newton High School, Newton, New Jersey, where Jonathan would have attended, one $1,500.00 scholarship is presented each year to a graduating senior selected by the school guidance committee.

Additionally, two $1,500.00 scholarships are awarded to both Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine and the New York College of Podiatric Medicine annually.  Each school selects a worthy junior year student.  Our annual golf tournament provides the majority of funding for these yearly scholarships.

2.  The NJPMS Political Action Committee will accept checks written on personal bank accounts for use by the NJPMS Legislative Committee, political consultant and the Executive Director for donations to various New Jersey political campaigns in support of podiatric issues and professional health standards.

3.  A third donation possibility is to contribute directly to the American Podiatric Medical Association’s Political Action Committee (PAC).  These donations can be made and forwarded directly to the APMA at 9312 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD 20814.  Checks should be written on personal accounts, not business accounts to either possibility as listed below.

a.  Educational Foundation – This fund is used for political education materials and events to enlighten APMA members, staff and the public about timely podiatric issues.

b.  (PAC) Political Action Committee – This fund contributes directly to candidates who support podiatric issues on a national basis in their election and re-election bids.


* Mandatory fields

Contact Information

*First name
Middle Name
*Last name
Previous Last Name
(changed due to marriage, divorce, etc.))
*Zip Code
Date of Birth
Clear selection
For statistical purposes only
Are you a US Citizen
For statistical purposes only.
*Primary Office Name
*Primary Office Address
*Primary Office City, State, Zip
*Primary Office Phone
*Mulitple Office locations
If yes, please provide additional information via email at
Secondary Office Name
Secondary Office Address
Secondary Office City, State, Zip
Secondary Phone
*What Date did you begin Practicing Podiatry?
*Preferred Email address
All APMA-related correspondence will be sent to this address. APMA does not share email addresses.


*Undergraduate Institution Name
*Undergraduate Year of Graduation
*Undergraduate Degree Earned
Graduate Institution Name
Graduate Year of Graduation
Graduate Degree Earned
*Year of Graduation
*Post Graduate Education
*Program Type
(PMS36, etc.)
*Program Location
*Date Began
*Date Completed
*Did you complete more than one post-grad program?
If yes, please provide additional information via email to


*Did you or do you serve in the U.S. Military
Date Entered
Date Separated
Current Rank
Are you currently in the reserves?

Professional License

*NPI Number
*Do you hold a license in more than one state?
*State Podiatric Medical License(s)

Certifications and Memberships

I am...


Federal Service
Membership for those employed by the Veteran's Administration or on active military duty will automatically be aligned with the Federal Service component. If you are V.A. employee or on active duty military, and you want to be aligned with your loca
*Were you previously a member of APMA?
*Were you referred by a colleague?
Colleague's name
If previous answer is yes, please enter the colleague's name or "N/A" if not applicable.
By checking the box above, I agree to uphold and abide to the purposes, bylaws, code of ethics, and all rules and regulations of my component association and the APMA. I understand that no one has an automatic right to be elected to membership in thi
*Today's Date
*Amount ($USD)

1 Tree Farm Road
Suite 202
Pennington, NJ 08534

Copyright © New Jersey Podiatric Medical Society